Understanding MVID

Explore this site to learn about MVID, patient resources, our research and future work towards a new therapy.

What is MVID

New research and comprehensive resources for patients with microvillus inclusion disease

Microvillus inclusion disease (MVID) is a rare, genetic disease that causes chronic diarrhea in young babies. The amount of diarrhea often exceeds that of cholera, and infants will die unless they are given appropriate and often massive amounts of intravenous fluid. Patients with MVID often survive solely on IV fluids, also known as total parenteral nutrition or TPN, or they must undergo a small bowel transplant. Learn more about MVID.

At Vanessa Research we have patented and will soon begin clinical trials of a drug that has been developed to treat MVID – a treatment that will eliminate life-threatening diarrhea by encouraging immature cells in the intestine to grow normally and restore the absorption of fluids and nutrients. Learn more about our research.

New White Paper available now

Addressing the Microvillus Inclusion Disease Knowledge Gap

A Comprehensive Case Analysis Read more

Learn more about
our research.

June 28, 2018 - Hamden, Connecticut
New MVID Educational Video from Vanessa Research
Hamden, Connecticut – Vanessa Research Inc. (VRI), has announced the launch of a new educational video (link) on microvillus inclusion disease (MVID) – a rare, genetic intestinal disease that causes severe diarrhea in young babies, and it is resistant to treatment. The loss of fluids is so rapid that life-threatening dehydration occurs within days or...
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February 9, 2018 - Hamden, Connecticut
Vanessa Research, Inc. is Proud to Support Rare Disease Day 2018
February 9, 2018 Hamden, Connecticut - Vanessa Research (VRI), a New Haven based research and development company, has announced it will be supporting Rare Disease Day 2018 at Quinnipiac University. Dr. Dmitry Kravtsov, VP of Research and Development for VRI will be one of two presenters at the University’s North Haven Campus on February 27th, 2018...
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October 6, 2017 - Hamden, Connecticut
For Families with sick children, Ronald McDonald House is a lifesaver
October 6th, 2017 By Helen O’Callaghan - This article originally published on Irish Examiner Ronald McDonald House is a gift to parents, writes Helen O’Callaghan. Eileen and Anna Kenny help Taoiseach Leo Varadkar launch Ronald McDonald House Charity’s appeal. When the phone rings to say there’s a room free in Ronald McDonald House, it’s like winning the lotto,...
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