New MVID Educational Video from Vanessa Research

Hamden, Connecticut – Vanessa Research Inc. (VRI), has announced the launch of a new educational video (link) on microvillus inclusion disease (MVID) – a rare, genetic intestinal disease that causes severe diarrhea in young babies, and it is resistant to treatment. The loss of fluids is so rapid that life-threatening dehydration occurs within days or even hours. The goal of this video is to educate families and caregivers of the causes and symptoms of MVID as well as to raise awareness about the rare disease. The video illustrates the inner workings of a normal intestine and contrasts these with an intestine affected by MVID.

Through this comparison, viewers can better understand the devastating effects of this rare genetic disease on the digestive system. Using images, animated diagrams, and easy-to-follow descriptions, the video explains how Shylicine ™ will correct the abnormalities of the intestinal structure and function in case of MVID and through that educates the viewers about VRI’s novel research in an easy-to-understand format. According to Laszlo Dinca, Business and Operations, “MVID, being an ultra-rare disease, doesn’t get the exposure of the diseases well known and widespread. Parents and caregivers have limited resources to learn more about this devastating disease. This is the forgotten and unmet need we aim to help with this educational video.” The informational video is designed for people of all ages. We are currently working on the translation of the content into more languages. The video can be accessed on the company’s dedicated MVID website (, which serves as a knowledge base on microvillus inclusion disease.

About Vanessa Research

Vanessa Research is based in Hamden, Connecticut, with offices in Farmington, Connecticut, London, England, and Budapest, Hungary. VRI was founded on the desire to build a 21st Century, sustainable, innovative, entrepreneurial organization by bringing together a collection of diverse scientists, engineers, business professionals, and academics to create solutions in medicine. The company’s mission is to “give hope where none existed”™ by delivering healthcare products that improve and increase access to quality care while decreasing costs.

Contact Information:

Benjamin P. Szabo, J.D. Company Secretary Vanessa Research, Inc. 925 Sherman Avenue, Hamden, CT, 06514 U.S.A.